Department of Physics
Recognized by the Philippine Commission on Higher Education (CHED) as a Center of Excellence in Physics Education and Research.
Welcome to the Department of Physics
Physics deals with the fundamental laws of nature, and forms the backbone of scientific knowledge. Because physics majors are trained to solve problems with a minimum of assumptions and using only the most fundamental principles, physicists are valued for their ability to solve novel problems that usually require innovative solutions. The Department of Physics, College of Science, De La Salle University – Manila aims to equip the students with the ability to bring together a combination of skills and knowledge from physics and various related backgrounds to address complex real-world problems. Read more
Vision - Mission
The De La Salle University Department of Physics is committed to develop lifelong learners, who are logical, analytical, creative and critical thinkers appreciative of God’s creation. The Department envisions itself as an advocate of effective educational practices in Physics. The quest for nature’s fundamental laws is accompanied by a concerted search for relevant applications benefiting Philippine society.
Programs Offered
Goals and Objectives
The Department aims to:
- Develop students into graduates imbued with La Sallian values, concerned with the sustainability of the environment, with an outlook and abilities for lifelong learning, able to provide service and leadership in the scientific community and in society in general.
- Provide an engaging learning environment that will mold students to become Christian achievers for God and country.
- Adhere to ethical and professional standards in research and scholarship.
- Nurture a culture of research that is dynamic and responsive to the needs of society.
- To produce physics graduates well-prepared for careers in research, academe, health, industry, business and government.
- To provide opportunities for professional growth of faculty members and staff through research, advanced studies and continuing education.
- To offer academic programs that are up-to-date and relevant to the needs of the community.
- To upgrade continually the laboratory and research facilities for effective instruction, quality research and support for the industry.
Contact Details:
Department of Physics
Mailing Address:
7/F William Hall
De La Salle University campus
2401 Taft Avenue, Manila 0922, Philippines
Tel. Nos.:
(632) 8536-0229 (direct line)
(632) 8524-4611 loc. 450 (trunk line)
Email: [email protected]