The Information Technology (IT) Department of the College of Computer Studies aims to produce well-rounded Lasallian computing professionals that are capable of analyzing organizational situations, design, formulate and evaluate, and develop technological solutions. Focusing on technological solutions for business and government organizations, and educational institutions, the IT Department offers programs merging different fields like business, management, governance, and education with Information Technology.
With the multi-disciplinary nature of the work of today’s IT Professional, the IT Department promotes multi-disciplinary research and activities, infusing its faculty with teachers coming from various allied and related fields. The IT Department supports its faculty members through faculty development programs for professional training and development, recognition of their consultancies and project involvements outside of the University.
In incorporating up-to-date skills development into its programs, the IT Department is aggressively seeking for external linkages and partnerships with leading technological companies. With its strategy to expose students to more real-life situations, the IT Department requires its projects to be based on actual organizations, and includes an extensive full-time on-the-job-training program.
Goals and Objectives
In response to the growing need for innovation and computing professionals in industry, government, and academic institutions, the Information Technology Department offers programs and institute research centers in the objective of:
- producing qualified and well-rounded Information System professionals and Instructional Systems technologists that are technically competent to design and develop technological solutions for the information needs of industry, government and academe; and
- establishing local leadership in the field of Information Systems and Instructional Systems education in the country.
Degree Programs of the College of Computer Studies
Undergraduate Degrees:
- Bachelor of Science (BS) in Computer Science
- Bachelor of Science in Computer Science Major in Computer Systems Engineering
- Bachelor of Science in Information Systems
- Bachelor of Science in Information Technology
- Bachelor of Science in Interactive Entertainment
- Bachelor of Science (Honors) in Computer Science and Master of Science in Computer Science