Advanced Research Institute for Informatics, Computing, and Networking (AdRIC)
The research unit of the College of Computer Studies (CCS), Advanced Research Institute for Informatics, Computing and Networking (AdRIC), was established in 1994 to pursue the research ideals of the college. Its tasks include setting the directions and priority research activities in the various fields of computing, commissioning and encouraging research and development projects consistent with identified thrusts and priorities, and seeking collaborative ventures with partners in industry, government and academe to serve society through research.
Since its establishment, progressive changes have helped make these ideals closer to realization. In 1996, the AdRIC laboratory was opened at Gokongwei Hall room G406 with an initial collection of Pentium computers, DEC Alpha workstations and one DEC Alpha server. All were donated by the Department of Science and Technology (DOST). In 1998, AdRIC adopted the publications and seminar programs of CCS to provide researchers with opportunities to disseminate research and gain valuable feedback from peers.
As various research areas started to mature, academic areas were formally identified in order for faculty with common interests to do collaborative research, conduct discussion groups and regulate materials being used for instruction. Â These areas were identified in 2002 as the following: Databases, Operating Systems, Computer Networks, Artificial Intelligence, Management Information Systems, Software Engineering, Computer Architecture, Microprocessors, and Netcentric Computing.
By 2009, the research groups evolved into research laboratories with a core group of faculty researchers supervising undergraduate and graduate students who work on thesis and projects related to the laboratory’s research agenda. These laboratories are jointly-funded by AdRIC and external agencies through project grants.
In 2013, the research laboratories have been classified into research centers and professional laboratories to focus their respective strengths and capabilities with the strategic goals of the University. Research Centers, working on various areas covering empathic computing, computational linguistics, automation research and network security, are focused on pursuing activities that seek to advance the identified computing fields, and the dissemination of research findings through conferences and journal publications. Professional laboratories, on the other hand, pursue specific projects that deliver mobile and web-based applications, developing games for education and entertainment, and applying ICT for development. Recently, the mobile and web-based laboratory has evolved into a research center to focus on the new field of big data analytics while continuing to produce innovative applications that utilize emerging technologies.
AdRIC has ten (10) research centers, namely:
- Bioinformatics Lab
- Center for Automation Research (CAR)
- Center for Complexity and Emerging Technologies (COMET)
- Center for ICT for Development (CITE4D)
- Center for Language Technologies (CeLT)
- Center for Human-Computing Innovations (CeHCI)
- Center for Networking and Information Security (CNIS)
- Computational Imaging and Visual Innovations (CIVI)
- Game Development Laboratory (GameLab)
- Technology, Education, Entertainment, Empathy, Design (TE3D) House