The DAC supervises the Bachelor of Science in Accountancy and the Master of Science in Accountancy programs. It intensifies its excellent accountancy program by offering a curriculum with the inclusion of on-the-job training in partner firms and hands-on training for computer subjects and by maintaining direct contacts with alumni and representatives of accounting firms and business industries to solicit inputs for curriculum updates
DAC envisions itself to be the premier academic, research, and community-building institution in professional accounting education in the Philippines and Asia-Pacific.
DAC’s mission is to produce technically competent and morally upright individuals responsive to rapidly changing global business environment and dedicated to stewardship of business resources and nation-building. It is committed to excel in teaching accounting through constant development and refinement of curricula and implementation of world-class accounting programs. It is also committed to spearhead quality accounting research activities and to be a resource for community in molding socially responsible accountants.
Guided by the Vision and Mission, the Department is committed:
- To excel in teaching accounting through the constant development, refinement and implementation of undergraduate accounting curricula responsive to the needs of the society and challenges of emerging global trends and through the pioneering development and implementation of world-class graduate and post graduate programs in accounting;
- To spearhead quality accounting research activities through the continuous enhancement of the research capabilities of its faculty; and
- To be a resource for the community in molding socially-responsible accountants through the ethical application of accounting concepts and practices.
- To train young men and women to become professional accountants who are well prepared for careers in public practice, commerce and industry, government, and academe;
- To undertake research in accounting and related fields that will advance the frontiers of knowledge, improve the conduct of business and management of the economy, and promote the development of the nation and Asia-Pacific region;
- To enhance the quality of accounting education through the rigorous training of accounting educators and through the promotion of research and dissemination of research findings; and
- To provide expert advice in accounting to the government, the business sector, socio-civic organizations, and international organizations in order to promote national development.